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Game Fan Fiction

The Tale of Marlorn Jadesong by Marlorn Jadesong

This is a story of me who was born in Celestia. I grew up on Collosus Blvd. Today, I was going around the Dark Cave for some barrels of oil .

I found one and my friend Rachel who wasn't on my quest said "What's in that barrel?,"

"Oil," I said.

So I took all the barrels to Anna Flamewright and said" Now I can make the Fire Rosin,"

So she said " Go to Shelus for the Solar Lens ," and he said "It was stolen by Melweena Smite,"

So I went to Forlorn Tower to kill Melweena .

"What do you want?" said Melweena .

" I need those Solar Lens now!" I said .

Then my Evil Snowman showed up and made 300 damage and a Snow Serpent came and made 195 damage.

Melweena Smite died. I quickly got the Solar Lens before they disapper..

I brang it to Anna and the harpsicord was done and I bring it to Gretta so Shelus can reward me and she told me to bring it to Shelus and he said "Oh my little pocket harpsicord, I giggled. "Here's your reward,"Then he went away."I'm glad I got a grrreaatesst day EVER!" I said.


Wizard101 Fan Fiction Index

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